Transportation YOU

T-You Field Trip
Transportation YOU Field Trip 2019

Since this committee's program is focused on the school year of our student mentees, summer is the perfect time to reach out to the Transportation YOU committee to learn about how to get involved for the next school year.

About Transportation YOU

T-You Lunch

Transportation YOU is a hands-on, interactive, mentoring program that offers girls and nonbinary persons ages 13 – 18 an introduction to a wide variety of transportation careers. Through the program’s mission to make a difference in the lives of young women and nonbinary folk, WTS’s dedicated volunteers and chapters provide lively programming and engaging activities to spark interest in all modes of transportation. Real-world professionals encourage students to pursue education paths that include classes in STEM, apprentice programs and soft skills – the stepping stones to exciting professional futures that can change the face of the transportation industry. The Puget Sound Chapter partners with three regional high schools: Stadium High School in Tacoma, Franklin High School in Seattle and Cristo Rey Jesuit Seattle High School in Seattle. Through direct contact with schools in our community, we hope to encourage female and nonbinary high-school students in their endeavors toward careers in transportation and provide support through webinars, networking, field trips and scholarships. Participants are also eligible to attend the national Transportation YOU conference held in Washington, D.C. To learn more about the Transportation YOU program, please reach out to our committee co-chairs listed in the contacts section.


  • Co-Chair, Franklin HS: Lucia Rodriguez
  • Co-Chair, Stadium HS & Capital Summit Lead: Emily Perchlik
  • Co-Chair, Cristo Rey Jesuit Seattle HS & Field Trip Lead: Jacilyn Hayden
  • Members: Annie Johnson, Michele DeChabert, Natalie Westberg, Kelly Dunn, Iman Rejai

Volunteer / Involvement Opportunities

T-You Lunch 2

There are multiple ways to be involved in Transportation YOU. We welcome companies or organizations who would like to share their presence in the world of transportation by sponsoring or designing content that motivates students to learn more about opportunities in the field of transportation. We also organize an annual field trip where students get a first-hand look at working in the transportation field. Additionally, there are opportunities to support Transportation YOU students financially through making a donation to the Transportation YOU scholarship program.

Transportation YOU's 2023 Field Trip

In December of 2023, Sound Transit hosted Transportation YOU at the Federal Way Link Extension Project. This video features highlights from that day's event.

A Look Back at Transportation YOU's 2022 Field Trip

In December of 2022, the Puget Sound chapter of WTS engaged students from Franklin High School as part of Transportation YOU mentor program. This was the first in-person field trip since the COVID lockdown. This video features highlights from that day's event.

2022 WTS Puget Sound Seattle Awards and Scholarship Gala

WTS Puget Sound hosted our annual Gala this year on May 3, 2022. This video displays some of the highlight from that event.