Glass Ceiling

Stay tuned for a survey coming in early 2025 to collect data from the region’s public and private employers and employees for our update to the 2024 baseline report. To stay informed about when the survey launches, sign up for our chapter listserv on our main chapter webpage.

2024 WTS Glass Ceiling Baseline Report

In the 2021-2022 WTS board year, the Chapter formed its first Glass Ceiling Committee to research and conduct a baseline survey in 2023 to determine whether women or nonbinary-identifying transportation professionals face a glass ceiling limiting their career advancement. This report is the Committee’s inaugural assessment to inform the Chapter’s advocacy efforts with the region’s public and private employers and will act as a baseline for subsequent reports.

To download a PDF copy of this report, click here, or copy and paste the following TinyURL link into your address bar: http://tinyurl.com/bdd76pk7.