Past Events

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WTS Luncheon: Equity within ODOT: a Conversation with ODOT's Assistant Director of Social Equity, Nikotris Perkins

September 16, 2021 from 12 - 1 PM (online)

Grab your lunch and join us to learn about ODOT's focuses and initiatives for improving equity in their programs, policies, and projects. We will learn from Nikotris Perkins who joined ODOT in April 2020 as the Assistant Director of Social Equity. We hope to "see" you there!

WTS Luncheon: Portland's Transportation Economic Outlook and Construction Career Pathways for Women and People of Color

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 from 12-1 pm (online)

The Covid-19 pandemic has had dramatic impacts on many industries and the accompanying workforces. As the pandemic (hopefully) winds down, we will hear Josh Harwood, City of Portland Economist, discuss where many economists think we are headed and which industries are likely to emerge first. Specifically, we will briefly discuss the transportation industry and potential impacts to the variety of communities that make up its workforce. 

Sebrina Owens-Wilson, Metro's Regional Impact Program Manager, will then discuss Metro's Construction Career Pathways initiative, which is designed to help break through the intractable barriers to success women and Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) face in the construction industry. Sebrina will discuss the how Construction Career Pathways is preparing the region for future investments in infrastructure and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, by offering a roadmap for ensuring these investments lift BIPOC and woman workers out of poverty into lifelong, family-sustaining careers.

SW Washington Public Agency Liaison Meeting & Presentation - Co-hosted by ACEC and WTS

Thursday, April 15, 2021 from 12 - 1 PM (online)

The panel discussion with SW Washington public agencies will include the following discussion topics focused on the impacts of COVID on each of the represented agencies:

  • 2021/2022 Capital Improvement Plans
  • Budgets
  • Procuring professional services
  • Changes to agency office policies
  • Agency plans for re-officing post-pandemic
  • Updates and planning associated with potential stimulus funding


  • Ryan Lopossa, Neighborhood Liaison, City of Vancouver Public Works
  • Tom Grange, Engineering & Construction Manager, Clark County Public Works
  • Carley Francis, SW Regional Administrator, WSDOT
  • Monica Fowler, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, CTRAN


  • Gavin Oien, Sr. Project Manager, Vice President, David Evans and Associates, Inc. - Representing ACEC
  • Jennifer Chariarse, Sr. Environmental Technical Specialist, FHWA Western Federal Lands - Representing WTS

This event is co-hosted by ACEC and the WTS Vancouver Events Group and with SW Washington public agencies. 

Oregon Students in Transportation: the Career Connection

Friday, April 9, 2021 from 12 - 1 PM (online)

We invite all current and incoming university students studying transportation in Oregon (all disciplines!) to meet with some of the local professional organizations of Oregon that offer networking, professional development opportunities, scholarships, mentoring programs and more! Learn how you can start connecting with career professionals now to prepare for what comes after university. We'll begin with a brief introduction from each organization, and then we'll head to breakout rooms where students can hop around and talk with different representatives from each of the professional organizations:

This event was co-hosted by the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University and WTS Portland.