Leadership Development


WTS Portland has offered the LEAD/LEAP Leadership Development workshops to WTS Members for the past decade. This program dives deep into conversations about who you are and want to be as a leader, your vision, challenges and struggles, insights into interpersonal communication, and more. Mental preparation for personal reflection and introspection on these potentially emotionally trying topics is encouraged. That said, the results of participation are highly rewarding: a clear leadership vision for yourself, a better understanding of how to effectively communicate with and lead those around you, and an action plan to carry forward into your life and career. The program facilitators are experienced educators and mentors here to guide this process. You and your cohort will have this shared experience to reflect on and grow from for years to come.

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LEAD - Leadership Excellence and Development 2023 

When: Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28
Where: McMenamins Grand Lodge, Forest Grove, OR
Application Due Date: Monday, August 21 by 5 PM PDT.

Apply Here

LEAD is a two-day workshop focused on helping mid to senior-level women in the transportation field further their personal and professional growth. Members who have participated in a WTS leadership program previously (WTS LEAP or WTSI leadership program) are eligible to apply, but preference will be given to those who have not. Members who participate this year will not be precluded from participating in future years. This year, we are honored to announce Judy Clarke as our facilitator. Bios for Judy Clarke and all speakers, can be found here. This workshop is eligible for up to 7 PDH credits.

Applications are due Monday, August 7 by 5:00 PM to [email protected]. Receipt of applications will be confirmed via email. If you have any questions, please contact WTS Portland Leadership Development Chair Atousa Gorg.

More about the 2023 LEAD program:

  • The workshop will be held in person in Forest Grove, Oregon. Carpools are available upon request.
  • Tuition and a night's lodging cost are sponsored by WTS Portland for the selected applicants.
  • This workshop is offered to WTS Portland Members only. If you are not a member and would like to apply for this program, you can join WTS Portland here.
  • If you are not a WTS Portland member and you are an indigenous woman, a woman of color, and/or a woman who speaks English as a second language, you can apply for a WTS Portland one-year membership scholarship as part of your LEAD application.

WTS Portland seeks to provide a safe and welcoming atmosphere within this program for women of all backgrounds. A more detailed WTS Code of Conduct will be provided to all participants before the program to ensure that high standards for respectful discussion, confidentiality, validation of varied perspectives, and acknowledgment of individual power and privilege are understood.