Our Chapter

The Inland Empire Chapter was formed in 2005 and is one of over 60 Chapters worldwide. WTS-IE is responsive to its membership to fulfill its mission of advancing both the transportation industry and the professional women who are a growing part of it.

WTS Inland Empire Annual Dinner board

The Chapter provides its members a variety of tools and benefits:

  • Regular programs and other special events allow members access to distinguished, thought-provoking speakers on vital transportation issues of the day.
  • Annual awards recognizing outstanding women, members, employers, and programs who embody WTS's pursuit of transportation excellence through the achievement and success of women.
  • Career advancement by providing employers opportunities to promote job postings, as well as professional development, workshops, seminars, and other forums to further development and education in the transportation industry.
  • Scholarships for high school, community college, undergraduate, and graduate candidates to support young women who aspire to professional careers in transportation. 
  • Mentor programs that pair experienced transportation professionals with students or new professionals, providing guidance and expertise to support them in their career paths.