Active Transportation has served as a critical tool in improving
our communities’ quality of life, delivering various benefits to
our environment, pocketbooks, and health. As gas prices
increase, air quality impacts continue, and housing supply
falls behind demand, the need for active transportation
infrastructure substantially increases.

Our panel of transportation and housing experts will discuss
active transportation’s role in addressing the region’s
challenges, highlighting funding strategies, effective
community outreach, project design and implementation,
and the nexus between housing and active transportation.

Panelists include: 

Christopher Tzeng, Program Manager, Western Riverside Council of Governments

Nathan Mustafa, Deputy Public Works Director, City of Riverside

Hannah Brunelle, Senior Planner, Southern California Association of Governments

Ma'Ayn Johnson, Housing Program Manager, Southern California Association of Governments

This event is sponsored by Mark Thomas, a Platinum Sponsor for the WTS-IE Chapter.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Tanya Bilezikjian at [email protected].