WTS Distinguished Speaker Series


2023 DSS

WTS Distinguished Speaker Series

The WTS International Distinguished Speaker Series highlighted the voices of top-level experts, speakers, authors, and academics, speaking on topics crucial to equity diversity, and access in transportation. WTS members, partners, and transportation stakeholders learned about the history of travel, social justice, designing equitable infrastructure, gender-based policy and research, civil service, and much more. Distinguished Speaker Series sessions are eligible for CM credits from APA.


WTS Member: Complimentary
WTS NonMember: $49


Fall 2024 Speakers

Dr. Shima Hamidi

November 19 | TBD

Assistant Professor of American Health & Director of the Center for Climate-Smart Transportation, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Registration Coming Soon!




Danielle Arigoni

Managing Director for Policy and Solutions, National Housing Trust and author, Climate Resilience for an Aging Nation

Marian Liou

Director of Arts and Culture for Smart Growth America.

Dr. Mia Bay

American Historian and Author, Traveling Black: A Story of Race and Resistance 

Dr. Missy Cummings

U.S. Navy Fighter Pilot; former Safety Adviser, NHTSA; and Scholar

Sarah M. Kaufman

Director, NYU Rudin Center for Transportation

Veronica O. Davis, PE

Engineer, transportation expert, and author: Inclusive Transportation: A Manifesto for Repairing Divided Communities


Questions? Contact [email protected]