WTS-Boston DEI in Motion: Environmental Awareness Month

Every September, environmental organizations in the U.S. recognize Environmental Awareness Month. Their goal is to raise awareness about environmental issues such as climate change, environmental justice, pollution, and conservation. Environmental awareness is the first step in changing our behavior towards habits that are more environmentally sustainable.

The WTS-Boston Diversity Committee invites people from all ages, abilities, genders, races, ethnicities, and income levels to join us in raising awareness and doing your part to minimize your personal (and organizational) environmental footprint:

  • Advocate for climate justice and volunteer with or donate to organizations helping vulnerable communities adapt to climate change.
  • Choose sustainable transportation modes such as walking, biking, taking public transportation, or avoiding the commute by working from home.
  • Reduce energy consumption by choosing ENERGY STAR certified appliances and turning off lights and electronics when not in use.
  • Identify opportunities and incentives to transition your home to renewable energy sources.
  • Volunteer in your local community to maintain or enhance natural habitats.
  • Be mindful of consumption and strive to reduce the quantity of waste you generate. Recycle and compost any waste as much as possible, noting that guidelines vary by municipality.

 Image Courtesy: https://engageinlearning.com/blog/why-is-environmental-awareness-important/