WTS Board Call for Nominations
The WTS International Nominations Committee is proud to open the 2024-2026 Board Nominations process for application to either the WTS International Board or WTS Foundation Board.
All applications are due no later than 11:59 PM PT on Friday, December 15th. The Board Term runs May 2024 – May 2026.
To apply, please complete the nominations application form for the desired Board of Directors. There is a question in the WTS International Board of Directors form that asks "if selected, would you be willing to serve on the WTS Foundation Board of Directors?" If you would like to be considered for either board separate of each other, you must complete each separate application. Please note, the mission and activities of WTS International are different than those of the WTS Foundation, and skillsets and experience desired for each differs.
The general responsibilities of a Board Director include strategic planning, fiduciary oversight, and policy setting. Our goal is to provide WTS and its community with a diverse board that reflects those we serve.
The following criteria have been set as requirements to apply and sit on the WTS International and WTS Foundation Board of Directors:
Be a member of WTS in good standing,
Ability, knowledge, and personal commitment to fulfill the requirements of service of a board member (commensurate with position on the board), including demonstrated ability to develop resources and opportunities,
Possess evidence of leadership, knowledge, and experience relevant to Board service,
Be able to travel to quarterly in-person Board meetings and participate in monthly virtual meetings, as needed,
Have time and interest to serve on a committee in addition to routine Board responsibilities,
Senior level and board experience with established relationships in the industry, leadership in associations, or other Boards of Directors with strong fiduciary responsibilities,
Be active in and supportive of fundraising and development efforts,
Vice Chair must have served in another role on the WTS International Board in the past term or hold an equivalent position of leadership within the industry,
The WTS Foundation budget is established with the understanding that individual WTS International and WTS Foundation Board Directors are encouraged to contribute a minimum of $1,000 per year to the Foundation.
The WTS International Nominations committee seeks diverse candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences including mode, public and private sector, profession, race and ethnicity, age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, and geographic location.
Deadlines for applications and nominations is Friday, December 15th at 11:59pm PT.
Timeline and Process
November 13- December 15: Application Open
December 16- February 29: Nominations Committee Review and Interview Process
March 2024: Recommended Slate of Nominees approved by WTS International Board of Directors, and sent for membership vote; WTS Foundation Board of Directors Slate of Nominees confirmed by the WTS International Board of Directors
May 2024: Annual Conference; New Orleans, LA: Board term begins
Please note, this timeline is an estimation and the Nominations Committee and WTS International Board of Directors holds the right to amend the timeline at any time.
The WTS International Board of Directors Slate of Nominees goes to vote with an approval or write-in ballot. WTS International utilizes its Nominations Committee which is comprised of a diverse and robust selection from WTS membership to select the slate of candidates for vote. WTS International does not hold a contested ballot vote. The WTS Foundation slate of candidates is approved by the current WTS International Board of Directors.