Take a Breath

By Katie Kraft, WTS-DC 

Headshot of Tanya Saunders

On June 17, WTS-DC hosted “Take a Breath: An Evening of Mindfulness with Pause Breathwork Instructor Tanya Saunders.” Participants were invited to take time out to breathe, connect, release, and transform their minds and bodies during this difficult time. Saunders guided participants through a meditative breathwork journey set to music to breathe, feel, heal, and thrive.

Created by Founder and CEO, Samantha Skelly, the Pause Breathwork breathing method uses various continual breath patterns to break down emotions in the body that stay stuck and create stress in our energetic bodies. During the June session, Saunders virtually guided participants through a meditative breathwork pattern, which has the intention of transformation.

Breathwork allows one to reconnect with one’s body to feel deeply and to understand and experience one’s own unique intelligence and emotions. The practice of breathwork enables one to be present, to be aware of oneself, and to breath and feel though experiences to release, heal, and transform. Participants enjoyed connecting with their breath and with each other in an intimate, albeit virtual, setting. 

WTS-DC thanks Tanya Saunders for providing the chapter with the opportunity to experience breathwork firsthand. If you are interested in learning more about breathwork and how it can help you reconnect and destress, reach out to Tanya at www.tanyasaunders.com. Saunders is a 20+ year certified registered nurse anesthetist, host of the Dreamboard Social Club podcast, and certified Pause Breathwork instructor. She helps women with guided self-care rituals to reconnect and nourish their bodies, attract the life they want, and transform themselves using intention, intuition, love, trust, and joy.

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