Q4 Program - Future Ready Florida

The fourth quarter WTS Central Florida chapter program was a members-only event onsite at Beep in Lake Nona. This innovative and thought-provoking program was based on the question...

How do we position for a Future Ready Florida?

Racquel Asa (Chief Marketing Officer for Beep), Ralph Ireland (VP of Development Operations at Tavistock), Matthew Broffman (Senior Manager of Public Policy at Lilium), and Beth Kigel (VP of Intelligent Transportation and Emerging Mobility Solutions at HNTB and Chair of Autonomous Florida) served as our dynamic panelists whose synergy was felt by everyone in the room.

Kelda Senior (WTSCFL) was the moderator and members in attendance were inspired by the messages including:

  • Don't just plan for what's allowed now ... imagination is key, aim for the moon and shoot for the stars.
  • Lean into the future, embrace what could be, and don't sit back and wait for innovation to occur be a part of it now.

We look forward to continuing this conversation.

A special thanks to the Beep team for their amazing hospitality! After the tour and panel discussion, the 30 attendees were able to ride the Lake Nona autonomous shuttle --- outstanding end to an informative event! 

WTSCFL Q4 Program - Future Ready Florida