Learn From a Leader: Carving Your Own Path & Career Planning

On July 20th, we organized a Learn From a Leader (LFAL) panel discussion on "Carving Your Own Path and Career Planning," moderated by Lily Reynolds (OTIS - City of Philadelphia).
We had the privilege of hearing from esteemed panelists, including Bridgette Beato (Lumenor), Lydia Grose (Michael Baker International), Tamara Nicholson (Unicorn Consulting), and Jennifer Waters (Urban Engineers). Each shared their experiences and wisdom about their diverse career paths varying from self-made entrepreneurship to executive leadership. Ms. Nicholson shared her career statement which has grounded and reset her career path at various points. Ms. Beato reminded us that life brings unexpected turns, her drive to move beyond those moments can create a new chapter and purpose. Ms. Waters shared how her role propelled her into people management and gave her a platform to be a voice for change throughout her organization. Ms. Grose shared the importance of saying “yes” when everything inside you says “no”. Pushing outside your comfort zone, embracing a new challenge are ways to change your career and take you to an unexpected future.
The discussion reaffirmed that there is no “one size fits all” career path. It highlighted the importance of performance reviews, mentors, and self-reflection on “what’s next” for each of us. Through their stories, they provided advice to professionals at all levels in their careers from the entry level professional feeling stagnant in their careers to the senior level manager transitioning from project management to people management.
We want to thank everyone who attended and helped make this an amazing event. We especially want to thank Urban Engineers for their hospitality and allowing us to use their training facility!
Click here to see photos from the event!