Guest Column - HDR

Anna Lynn Smith HDR

A Word From...

Anna Lynn Smith, AICP, Transit Planning Lead / Project Manager

I occasionally reflect on the WTS professional development session I participated in last year along with Herman Lloyd, Carol Rose, and Mike Venuto, moderated by Carol Martsolf: “Advice I Would Tell My 25-year Old Self.” It was a fun exercise to think through the various questions, develop my talking points and reflect back on my almost 30-year career in Philadelphia’s transportation industry.  What resonates most with me right now is the sentiment of taking calculated risks to stretch and grow: getting outside of your comfort zone is a good thing.  

Related, I recently read the book The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women by Valerie Young (I highly recommend it for both men and women) and there were several interesting takeaways I was immediately able to apply to my work life:

  • Say yes: it is okay to accept a role/do something you are not 100% qualified for.  There is no reason why you can’t grow into a role, learning as you go.
  • A little bit of BS is okay - men do it all the time!
  • Spend less time worrying about your previous actions; don’t dwell in the past - focus on the present and future.

In a quote from the book: “Everyone loses when you play small…there are people out there this very minute who want and deserve to benefit from your full range of knowledge, abilities, and skills.” Whether it is related to your career in transportation, or relationships with family and friends – go out there and prove it – own your success!