Event Recap: WTS-Boston March Virtual Luncheon Seminar

Local Leaders: Making Women’s History Today


On March 16th, in celebration of Women’s History Month, WTS-Boston hosted a panel with women leaders from MBTA, Massport and MassDOT. The panel included Karen Burns, Assistant General Manager of Bus Operations for the MBTA; Nhuy Hoang, Deputy Director of Capital Programs & Environmental Affairs at Massport; and Marie Joyce Rose, Director of Project Management at MassDOT-Highway Division. The panel was moderated by Luisa Paiewonsky, Director of the Center for Infrastructure Systems and Technology at the U.S. DOT/Volpe Center.

After a brief welcome by WTS-Boston Vice President Gina Solman and moderator Luisa Paiewonsky, each panelist gave a brief introduction of themselves and described the work they do today. Luisa then asked several questions of the panel, including how the transportation has changed since they began their careers, how they moved past low points and what advice they would give to their younger selves. 

Common themes raised by all panelists included advocating for yourself, and not being afraid to stand your ground. On what advice she would give to her younger self, Marie Rose said “Don’t be afraid to bring suggestions” to the table. On how to move past low points in your career, Nhuy Hoang reaffirmed the importance of continuing to believe in yourself even when times are difficult. Karen Burns, remembering the very snowy winter of 2015 at the MBTA remarked that those type of challenges aren’t ones you need to talk about constantly, but they certainly ones you never want to forget.

The panelists received a number of audience questions, and proffered some other important takeaways. They spoke of the importance of saving for retirement early, and encouraged everyone to consider a career in the public sector, where all agreed that fun was to be had and big differences could be made.

For a copy of the entire program, including the round robin discussion and Q&A from the audience reach out to Erica Blonde at [email protected].