Dunbar Shadow Day

On February 2, 2023, Transportation YOU participated in Dunbar High School’s DREW Academy of Engineering Shadow Day where juniors and seniors spent a day with transportation professionals learning the ropes. Two senior female students, Anaya and Imani, joined Transportation YOU Deputy Chair, Laura MacNeil, to learn about her role as a Transportation Planner at the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). The students met with DDOT’s Bus Priority Branch, Active Transportation Branch, received a tour of the new DDOT HQ at 250 M Street SE, sat in on part of a deputy director’s briefing, and started on their job responsibilities for the day. They used Streetmix software to create new concept plans for streets in need of redesigns. In Anaya’s case, she focused on improving facilities for buses and pedestrians along Minnesota Ave NE, and in Imani’s case, she found ways to restore two-way vehicular access through N Street NW at New York Avenue NW. After a restorative late lunch from CAVA, the students headed back home.

Across town, engineering firm VHB hosted three students from the Dunbar’s DREW Academy. Anisa, Samia, and Destinee toured VHB's Metro DC office and learned about VHB's work in land development, structural, and rail projects. Several VHB staff discussed their respective roles within the planning and engineering departments and demonstrated how the different disciplines work together. Students chatted about career interests, college, and future goals while having Chipotle for lunch, and ended their day with a presentation about the Long Bridge Project and the Crystal City East Entrance Project. 

The Transportation YOU Committee is planning our events for the next academic semester. If you are interested in being a speaker or getting involved, please reach out to Barbara Moreno ([email protected]).