Conversation and Cocktails with WMATA GM/CEO Randy Clarke

By Katie Kraft, WTS-DC 
September 2022

On September 14, members and friends of WTS-DC gathered together at La Vie on The Wharf to welcome Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) General Manager and Chief Executive Officer Randy Clarke to town. Guests enjoyed stimulating conversation, craft cocktails, and a beautiful view of the Potomac.

WTS DC members at WMATA event

Mr. Clarke joined WMATA as GM/CEO in July 2022. He’s not just Metro’s GM/CEO; he’s also a customer who uses the service every day. The insight Mr. Clarke gets from his daily rides helps him lead Metro to innovate and improve on behalf of customers.

Before joining Metro, Mr. Clarke served more than four years as President and CEO of Capital Metro in Austin, Texas, where he helped secure one of the country’s largest voter-approved transit referendums in U.S. history. The initiative, called Project Connect, resulted in a multi-billion-dollar infusion for CapMetro’s capital program.

At the event, Mr. Clarke spoke about his priorities and vision for Metro and even answered a few questions from the crowd!  I'm sure everyone would agree -- the evening offered the ideal combination of social interaction and professional connection.

Pictures from WMATA event

WTS-DC thanks WMATA GM/CEO Randy Clarke for attending the event and speaking to the WTS-DC members and friends in attendance. WTS-DC also thanks corporate sponsors VHB and Thompson Coburn LLP for sponsoring the event!

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