Coming Soon: MyWTS Communities

WTS International is committed to providing exceptional member benefits to our community. We are revamping our online forum, MyWTS Communities, formerly TransPortal, to connect, engage, and support our members.

MyWTS Communities Logo

During these unprecidented times, remote and virtual connections are more important than ever. MyWTS Communities is an online platform dedicated to meaningful networking and quality professional development resources. The platform has a number of features that equip WTS members with the information, and industry connections to advance their careers.

In the Open Discussion Forum, members ask questions, get advice, and share industry news. The Document Libraries allow members to share information, resources, and collaborate on issues. An extensive Member Directory gives individuals a chance to grow their networks and contact peers in their field.

MyWTS Communities also features a Mentor Match resource. WTS Members can enroll as a Mentor for rising and aspiring professionals in their sector or mode. Students and young professionals are matched with mentors who can serve as a helpful resource as they navigate an exciting career in transportation. 

MyWTS Communities also features a Speakers Bureau, a database of WTS members who are subject matter experts and industry speakers. This feature is useful when looking for webinar panelists, co-authors, or expert advice on a wide range of industry topics.

Another component of MyWTS Communities is Knowledge Lab. This section houses documents, videos, transcripts, and other career and transportation industry content curated specifically for WTS membership.

At a time when online communication is more important than ever, WTS is committed to strengthening member benefits virtually. Look out for the August 2020 relaunch of MyWTS Communities, a dynamic space for members to stay connected, gain knowledge and share resources!