How to Navigate Change & Uncertainty and Stay Whole

We are all being challenged to stay focused, balanced and positive in these highly complex and uncertain times. Unusual levels of stress and intense demands to keep up at work and home can leave us feeling worn out and depleted.

Sandy Asch puts out a call to all women to strengthen themselves and stay whole. Through childhood stories observing the lioness in the wild, Sandy offers practical tools and ideas on how to transcend the challenges of our world and emerge stronger, wiser, and more fulfilled - to be more resilient and let your ROAR be heard.

Sandy Asch

Sandy Asch is a TEDx Speaker, best-selling author, resilience thought leader, and woman of influence award winner. Her best-selling book, ROAR, was named by Inc. magazine as one of the best business books written by a woman. Over the past 20 years, through keynote presentations and workshops, 55,000+ leaders in 50 countries and 6 languages have implemented Sandy’s ideas to navigate change, manage work-life balance and be more resilient - to ROAR with purpose and passion.